Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Fare you well...!!!

"If I love you.. What is that to you??? "
True? May be yes, may not be.. Some would say, Its indeed nothing to you and should not be. For if I care that should be my business and mine alone.. You would actually have nothing to do with my emotions than fire or ice.. Yet these two are the most dangerous weapons of nature and if it is a combination of both... well!! can anything be more dramatic than that?

Or should i say wind and sea?? both rouse me to exhilaration and excitation and yet are unconscious of their effect on me.. and you are equally unconscious of the thoughts you awaken in me... Not sure if i like this bitter sweet temptation or if i care for the disturbing thoughts if or when they come... at time, joy and desolation are equally confusing and equally subtle in sweetness... Joy when i meet you.. Desolation when i see you not at all..!! I try to analyse them both cos at heart i am a consultant who thrives on analysis for living.. and no wonder the answer evades me... cos we live in an age where mysteries are many and you get answers for queries which you never asked if you are on a quest...

I would be happy if I am loved by you.. but my joy would know no bounds if I am of service to you... By silence, by restraint, by being careful to let nothing of trivial nature ever bother you, by guarding you from all interruptions, foolish details of  society and idle gossip of of folks who have nothing to do... To feel that all of this can bring even the simplest of joy or peace... To know that my presence delights you and inspires you..
Few can boast as much... You probably are a wonder.. probably from the fairy tales grandmother used to read.. to think of this brings another thought... what if this dream of mine gets shattered? smashed to atoms.. I would not be able to put this back even if i try to pick every bit and piece. A rose here, a leaf there... a lovely little head rolling apart from body.. nothing would be left except to tie those pieces somehow and send them down the memory lane to a place where the memory once existed...

And now, back to work... It s the time I ceased to think of banishment of a vision. A vision so delicate to feel and so distant in reality.. i turn away from you who were a little God of a foolish worship. You tell me you wish you could undo what is done. Well, the mistake is yours to live and yours to regret for. I probably am a weaver of dreams, One of the dreams was this and probably is now broken and I was rudely awakened. But the day will come when i dream this to perfection. And that will be when i talk to you and tell you that this is what was meant to be...!! Till then!! Adios!! and oh! Fare You Well!!!

Sunday, June 10, 2012


फिर से वो ही ज़िन्दगी मिले 
फिर से वो प्यार जो तुमसे हो
पलकों पे यादों की वो बूंदे हो
दूर क्षितिज तक चलते रहने को राह हो
सपनो भरी सी जो लगती वो रात हो
दूर हो कर भी शायद तुम पास हो
जो तुम न हो तो दर्द कुछ गहरा लगे
तुम्हारे बिना सब सूना लगे 

Sunday, May 20, 2012

na jaane wo kaun tha

वो शख्स हमें अपनी सादगी से दीवना बना गया 
सादगी से हमें जाने कैसे तबाह कर गया 
कह गया की जा तुझे तेरे हाल  पर छोड  दिया 
इससे बेहतर तेरी और कोई सजा ना होगी 
रिश्ता तो रहा कुछ  अजीब सा 
ना नफरत  की वजह  ही मिली 
ना मोहब्बत  का सिला 
कुछ  अलग  ही था वो सिलसिला 
अपना भी ना  बनाया और 
 किसी का होने भी ना दिया 


रज  के चढ़ा है और 
खिल  खिल कर लाल  हुआ 
आज  मेहँदी का ये रंग 
नाम  जाने किसका है छुपा 
संगीत  जैसी आवाज़  का वो सुर ताल 
कोई धुन  लायी है इस  अमावास  की रात 

Monday, May 14, 2012


एक  दिन  था वो भी
धुप लगे आकाश  पर जब 
चाँद नज़र आ गया था 
डाकिये ने मुहर लगा 
एक  संदेसा लाया था तेरा 
भूली हुई सी कुछ  यादें
आई है चुपके से 
बीती हुई कोई कहानी सुनाने

Sunday, April 29, 2012


गुनाह होता तो माफ़ कर देती
नेकी होती तो भूल भी जाती 
उस तजुर्बे को कैसे भुला दू अब 
जिसने ज़िन्दगी की हर शय बदल दी

Thursday, March 22, 2012

na jaane kyu......

फिर से वो बेफिक्री का आलम
आज लौट चला है
बरसो बाद याद आ गयी है
मोहल्ले की वो गलिया
कहानी की एक डोर
आज यूँ ही कही वापस
बाँध कर ले चली है
दूर कहीं किसी राह पर
कच्ची पक्की सडको पर
सैकड़ो निशानियाँ आवाज़ देती है
शिद्दत से की हुई इबादत
आज कहानी कोई याद दिलाती है

Thursday, February 16, 2012


Every year in the United States alone, 2,077,000 couples make a legal and spiritual decision to spend the rest of their lives together ... and not to have an affair with anyone else, ever.
 He buys a ring, she buys a dress. They go shopping for all sorts of things. She takes him to Arthur Murray for ballroom dancing lessons. And the big day comes. And they'll stand before God and family and some guy her dad once did business with, and they'll vow that nothing, not abject poverty, not life-threatening illness, not complete and utter misery will ever put the tiniest damper on their eternal love and devotion.

These optimistic young bastards promise to honor and cherish each other through hot flashes and mid-life crises and a cumulative 50-lb. weight gain, until that far-off day when one of them is finally able to rest in peace.

 You know, because they can't hear the snoring anymore. And then they'll get stupid drunk and smash cake in each others' faces and do the "Macarena," and we'll be there showering them with towels and toasters and drinking their free booze and throwing birdseed at them every single time -- even though we know, statistically, half of them will be divorced within a decade.

Of course, the other half won't, right? They'll keep forgetting anniversaries and arguing about where to spend holidays and debating what would be the color of the interior. And some of them will even still be enjoying each others' company when neither of them can chew solid food anymore.

And researchers want to know why. What? You got to be kidding?? I mean, hey, it doesn't take a double-blind, nerdy, geeky, stupid study to figure out what makes a marriage not work. Disrespect, boredom, too much time on Facebook, or too many love affairs!!! Bingo!! Or hell!! You might have the exact anti of those things -- respect, excitement, a broken Internet connection, mind-numbing monogamy -- and the thing still can go to hell in a hand basket.

So what's going on when it doesn't? Those folks who actually get to plan their Silver, Diamond and Platinum anniversaries... Which world do they belong to? Somewhere down the line.. what do they do?? They obviously did something right!! But what?? And if you're still happily sleeping single, why should you stop what you're doing and make it your life's work to find that one special person that you can annoy for the rest of your life? Why should you lose all that independent spirit of yours and start looking upto someone for every decision you make in life? Why should you turn right round and start considering the wants and preferences of someone whom you believe is that special somebody!!

Well researchers spend billions of your tax dollars trying to figure that out. They stalk blissful couples and they study their every move and mannerism. And they try to pinpoint what it is that sets them apart from their miserable neighbors and friends. And it turns out, the success stories share a few similarities.

For instance, in the happiest marriages, the wife is thinner and better looking than the husband. Obvious, right. It's obvious that this leads to marital bliss because, women, we care a great deal about being thin and good looking, whereas men mostly care about trivialities.... The beauty of this research though is that no one is suggesting that women have to be thin to be happy; we just have to be thinner than our partners. So instead of all that laborious dieting and exercising, we just need to wait for them to get fat, maybe bake a few pies. This is good information to have, and it's not that complicated.

Research also suggests that the happiest couples are the ones that focus on the positives. For example, the happy wife. Instead of pointing out her husband's growing gut or suggesting he go for a run, she might say, "Wow, honey, thank you for going out of your way to make me relatively thinner." These are couples who can find good in any situation. "Yeah, it was devastating when we lost everything in that fire, but it's kind of nice sleeping out here under the stars, and it's a good thing you've got all that body fat to keep us warm."

One of my favorite studies found that the more willing a husband is to do house work, the more attractive his wife will find him. Because we needed a study to tell us this. But here's what's going on here. The more attractive she finds him, the more time they spend together; the more time they spend together, the nicer he is to her; the nicer he is to her, the less she nags him about leaving wet towels on the bed -- and ultimately, they live happily ever after. In other words, men, you might want to pick it up a notch in the domestic department.

Here's an interesting one. One study found that people who smile in childhood photographs are less likely to get a divorce. This is an actual study, and let me clarify. The researchers were not looking at documented self-reports of childhood happiness or even studying old journals. The data were based entirely on whether people looked happy in these early pictures. Now I don't know how old all of you are, but when I was a kid, your parents took pictures with a special kind of camera that held something called film, and, by God, film was expensive. They didn't take 300 shots of you in that rapid-fire digital video mode and then pick out the nicest, smileyest one for the Christmas card. Oh no. They dressed you up, they lined you up, and you smiled for the fucking camera like they told you to or you could kiss your birthday party goodbye. But still, I have a huge pile of fake happy childhood pictures and I'm glad they make me less likely than some people to get a divorce.
So what else can you do to safeguard your marriage? Do not win an Oscar for best actress. I'm serious. Bettie Davis, Joan Crawford, Hallie Berry, Hillary Swank, Sandra Bullock, Reese Witherspoon, all of them single soon after taking home that statue. They actually call it the Oscar curse. It is the marriage kiss of death and something that should be avoided.

And it's not just successfully starring in films that's dangerous. It turns out, merely watching a romantic comedy causes relationship satisfaction to plummet. Apparently, the bitter realization that maybe it could happen to us, but it obviously hasn't and it probably never will, makes our lives seem unbearably grim in comparison. And theoretically,if we opt for a film where someone gets brutally murdered or dies in a fiery car crash, we are more likely to walk out of that theater feeling like we've got it pretty good.

Drinking alcohol, it seems, is bad for your marriage. Yeah. I can't tell you anymore about that one because I stopped reading it at the headline. But here's a scary one: Divorce is contagious. That's right -- when you have a close couple friend split up, it increases your chances of getting a divorce by 75 percent. Now I have to say, I don't get this one at all. Nope! No clue...

So now you may be wondering, why does anyone get married ever? Well the U.S. federal government counts more than a thousand legal benefits to being someone's spouse -- a list that includes visitation rights in jail, but hopefully you'll never need that one. But beyond the profound federal perks, married people make more money. They are healthier, physically and emotionally. They have happier, more stable and more successful kids. We have more sex than our supposedly swinging single friends -- believe it or not. We even live longer, which is a pretty compelling argument for marrying someone you like a lot in the first place.And hell!! you do not want to live your life alone...!! Homo Sapiens enjoy company rather than solitude..!!! Well!! most of the times....

Now if you're not currently experiencing the joy of the joint tax return, I can't tell you how to find a loving person of the approximately ideal size and attractiveness who prefers horror movies and doesn't have a lot of friends hovering on the brink of divorce. The bottom line is, whether you're in it or you're searching for it, I believe marriage is an institution worth pursuing and protecting.


वो कहते है मोहब्बत मोम का मंदिर है
तपिशे कही किसी नज़र की इसको पिघला न दे
पुछा था उन्होंने कभी
सदा  ऐसे ही तुम चाहोगे क्या?
जीना जो सीखाया है
भुला तो न दोगे
विरह से डरता है जो दिल
दूर कही चले तो न जाओगे?
पूछ लेते है वो यु ही अचानक
मेरे बिन जी सकोगे क्या तुम?
मेरी बातें भुला तो नहीं दोगे कल?
नहीं जानते की अलफ़ाज़ के जुगनू नहीं मिलते
बातें नहीं है ये कोई बनाई हुई
ख़ामोशी के कुछ पल कट जाये तुम्हारे साथ
इसी का वो बहाना है
बातें भुलाने का कभी कुछ सोचा ही नहीं
जब सोचो तो सासें थमने लगती है 
हर घडी हर पल साथ है तेरा 
इतना करम है जिंदगी का मुझ पर
छोटी सी दुनिया है जो ये मेरी
इसके बाहर जाने की कहा है चाह?
यादो में रहते है वो चाँद लम्हे
आँख भर आई आज उस याद पर...

Monday, February 13, 2012


That eternal summer shall not fade
That eternal summer shall not fade
Nor will fade the possession of that fair heart
or the tid bits of the times spent
Nor will death brag about the wanderer in that shade
when in eternal lines it will grow
So long the memories grow..
So long the eyes can see...
and give life to those memories....

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


When you are dreaming about someone, they go to bed thinking of you!!!

Came across this statement somewhere. And I think it is true. Homo Sapiens is not a lonely species. We, in general, like having people around us. I mean who wants to live in solitude forever? Of course, there are times when you want some time off but other than that its pretty much the same all over. Much has been written about sub-conscious and I think this statement also comes from somewhere there. 

Of late got a chance to read a lot on human psyche.. And the deeper you go in there, the more you get amazed.


Alas! What you thought you were here for
Is mere Shell with a coat of wired thoughts
Which breaks only when the purpose is fulfilled
or when mere monotonicity becomes too much to bear
or where the destiny is beyond the end you figured
And is evolved and altered in fulfilment..
We tend to ignore the other places..
which are also on the other end of the scale
or beyond the sea side
Mayhap over a dark lake
or below vast expanse of moonlight
in a desert or a city

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


सुना है तुमने हमारे ख़त जला दिए
वादे सारे कैसे पल में भुला दिए
जाने कौन सा खौफ हो गया आज तुम्हे
जाने किसने तुम्हे बहाने सिखा दिए
माना की दर्द से हो जाएगा जीवन बंजर
माना की मतलब का नहीं रहेगा कोई मंजर
पर ये कैसे मान लू मैं की मतलब था नहीं कभी
या ये सोच लू की समय नहीं है तुम्हे अभी
सच ही कह गया है कोई 
जीवन की नैया के है खेल निराले
जाने कौन कौन से रंग समेटे बैठी है
हर रंग के पीछे छुपी एक कहानी है
चंचल निश्छल तो कभी चुट्कुली
कभी रहे ऐसे चमकीली
और कभी सिर्फ कोरी 

Not Titled.......

इतनी शिद्दत से की है मोहब्बत
रह जाये न कही अनकही छोटी सी वो दास्ताँ 

आज कह लेने दो जो आई है दिल में बात
कल कहने की हिम्मत जाने हो न हो

अनजान से डगर दिख सी रही है सामने ऐसी
निकल चली हु और रह गया है जहाँ पीछे आज 

मीलो के सफ़र पर है लोग
मीलो दूर है सारी वादिया
किसी मंजर पर न रुकी हु
शायद खुद से भी न मिली हु

कभी सेहरा कभी सावन 
कुछ सच कुछ माया 

भोर भये और सांझ ढले 
फिरे मेरे साथ दर दर ये तेरी यादें  

ऐसा लापरवाह नहीं होना आज मुझे
की वक़्त के साथ तुम्हे भी खो दो

पर सोच कर ये रुक सी जाती हु मैं
की कौन जाने क्या सोच लोगे तुम 
किसको खबर कौन दिशा लोगे तुम
खीच लाती है यादें तुम्हारी ओर
और रह जाता है इंतज़ार
तुम्हारे चले आने का.....

Train of Thought......


Some things are just meant to be... You do not plan for them. You do not even imagine it can happen and there life surprises you with one of its many intricacies.  Its difficult to find a better teacher than life. It is times like this when your train of thoughts does not stop. You start from a juncture and keep building on to it. And mayhap that is why and how dreams evolve... Two years down the line you might not want the same things from life as you do today... Some how makes me realise that it is very rare that you get second chances. So you might as well live in the present. And guess that's the issue with most of us. At times we are so engrossed planning for future and thinking about what is right and what is not so right that we tend to ignore what is in store for us right at this present moment. Guess that is the balance which you need in life. Guess that is what you need to learn....

Sunday, January 15, 2012


He says I'm special and he spent the entire day talking to me about the nitty-gritties. 
He goes on staring at me like anything, just so that I smile.. He scolds me at times just to get a reaction from me...  Whatever I do, If I am not so happy, he knows something's wrong. 
And when I am having one of those phases of a panic attack, he helps comes to my rescue. 
He makes me believe in myself. At cross-roads he makes me chose what I want to do.
I may not care for myself, but he knows where I find my comfort zone.. 
He makes me believe that everything will be fine.. When I am being stubborn he knows how to make me do what my heart says... And each and every time, he convinces me everything will be fine. And I believe him.


Do you want to act as if we never met?
Pretend that we never spent a day together?
I've tried and tried but haven't succeeded yet..
You walk across and I fall to pieces
No wonder you cross by and make my heart beat double time

Friday, January 13, 2012

All that talk..!!!

Can't really count how many times I've heard the nonsense that all little girls fantasize about their wedding day. Really? I never did. I never thought all about Prince Charming, fantasy romance, knight in shining armour, picture perfect dress, or any of that!!! I would say What Crap!!!

I guess I'm not your average girl.
My dreams have always been different!! I dnt remember a time when gadgets have not been around. Its hard for me to think of a time when I dnt have them around...!! Was browsing through a store yesterday and I realised there's not one gadget here which I want to buy and which I dnt have at this point of time..!!
Still remember a dream which I saw when I was a kid. I guess I had Physics Exam the next day! And was reading a book on Universe and fell asleep. And the dream which I saw has been most vivid most memorable till date. Was in a hi-tec classroom and the facilitator actually took us for a trip to Universe. We saw all the major starts, travelled light years to exotic locations and what not. After that, have never had any doubts regarding any exam question on Universe. Oh and at the end of the tour the facilitator took us to a zone where there was a rainbow. The Rainbow had vivid colors. All bright and Shiny, some florescent. And each second the color at any given point used to change. Also, each point used to correspond to a specific venue on Earth. Depending upon the color and the pattern of color change, events used to happen on Earth.
Its just makes me realise that there are n number of items you dont know about and you can not actually comprehend at times as well. Its just that you need to have an open mind to accept what you are seeing. Today it might seem as a miracle for you but mayhap its just that you are not seeing the bigger picture. Mayhap its just something you need to widen your horizons and accept!!!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

David and Goliath....

And there goes another David Goliath show...
Talking about the latest Vini Ad for 18+.
The deodorant market in India is approx 1000 crore and forerunner is Axe. HUL says it all. Its difficult to challenge HUL in Indian C&IP scenario. And here comes an advertisement from 18+ manufacturers which takes a direct hit at the AXE ad. Not that I have seen AXE ad in quite some time. If i remember correctly, AXE adverts have a lot of cloudy blue and pitch black.

the advert

thrs the same background when 18+ is being displayed. Be it the guy on the beach taking out his own brand of deo or the chick magnet concept... the ad challenges AXE's ad all over.. Not just that, it tries to strike a cord with the youth. we have a habit of acronyms and slags are always on the tip of our tongue. The ad launches the acronym LKPD. Which is so similar to KLPD. I dnt think you would meet any engineering grad in India who has not heard of KPLD.

And what timing, all of a sudden there are so many new players in the market. From a niche its now a new market. Nivea, Fuel, Denver, Reebok all are now in market. Would be fun to see how things play out.