Sunday, January 15, 2012


He says I'm special and he spent the entire day talking to me about the nitty-gritties. 
He goes on staring at me like anything, just so that I smile.. He scolds me at times just to get a reaction from me...  Whatever I do, If I am not so happy, he knows something's wrong. 
And when I am having one of those phases of a panic attack, he helps comes to my rescue. 
He makes me believe in myself. At cross-roads he makes me chose what I want to do.
I may not care for myself, but he knows where I find my comfort zone.. 
He makes me believe that everything will be fine.. When I am being stubborn he knows how to make me do what my heart says... And each and every time, he convinces me everything will be fine. And I believe him.


Saikat said...

something is missing. Its just not complete.

Unknown said...

ha.. hai na... and sorry.. wo abhi pura bhi nahi ho sakta..!!!