
Sangit's Dedication...

इत्तेफ़ाक  कहो  या कहो आप इस कुदरत का करिश्मा 
ये तो वो हुआ की आँखों की रौशनी मिल गयी बगैर कोई चश्मा 
पता है मिटा नहीं सकते हम दूरियों का फासला 
मिल गए दो अजनबी दोस्ती पनप उठी  बढ़ गया हमारा ये हौसला 
कह देना हर बात जुबां से जरुरी तो नहीं ...
उम्र गुजरी है आधी पूरी तो नहीं
दूर जरुर बैठे आपकी निगाहों से 
पर दिल की दिल से दूरी हो जरुरी तो नही 
मानो या न मानो दोस्त हम सब है किस्मत के फकीर 
मोहतरमा, दोस्ती है वो जज्बा है तो मिटा दे इन रिश्तों की उलझन 
आओ मिल कर बनाये ऐसा एक संसार जिसमें न हो ऐसी कोई भी लकीर 
दोस्ती ही दोस्ती, न कोई दुश्मनी ... इत्तेफाक नहीं ये है कुदरत का करिश्मा ...


Na jane ohna de dil vich ki hai
jo chup chaap bhul ke beh gaye ne,
kayi vaar ta rabb inj jaape ki
oh sanu galat samajhke beh gaye ne,
khud kehnde si sath nibhavange,
aap hora de vass peh gaye ne,
 rabba khush rakhhin sadde apneyan nu,
jo sahnu yaad v karno


Shiva and Shakti They say that Shiva never spoke a single word until Shakti came into his life as Parvati. She became not only his wife, but also his student, asking questions, discussing and deliberating with him, till he revealed the mysteries of life. So, one day, she asked him, “What is love?” All he did then was look at her and smile. “Tell me, please, what is love?” she asked, turning away to hide her blush. This is what he said: “When you come to me as Annapoorna, the goddess of food, and feed me and ask for nothing in return, I feel love, for you have taken care of my hunger unconditionally. When you come to me as Kamakhya, the goddess of pleasure, and hold me intimately as no one does, I feel love, for you have made me the object of your desire. This is bhog. This is one kind of love. But there is another kind of love. “When you come to me as Gauri, demure and delicate, and allow me to dominate you, demand things of you, take you for granted, knowing full well that you cannot be dominated by anyone, I feel love. You made me play dice, laugh at the simple pleasure of games. You made me make you dolls and enjoy entertaining you. When you come to me as Durga, bearing weapons in your hand, and protect me, I feel secure and safe, and cared for, I also feel love. This is shakti, this is power. By granting me power over you, by defending me, protecting me, empowering me, you make me feel loved. This is the second kind of love. But there is yet another kind of love. “When you dance atop me as Kali, naked with hair unbound, unafraid to be yourself, unafraid to be powerful and vulnerable and unafraid of being judged and mocked, I feel love. You make me open my eyes. I realise Lalita, the beautiful one, who is also Bhairavi, the fearsome one. I realise Mangala, the auspicious one, is also Chandika, the violent one. I see you totally, without judgement, and I realise I am capable of seeing the truth. That you allow me to see you fully, without judgement, tells me that I have become trustworthy. Thus you become the mirror, the Parvati darpan, that reflects who I am. You help me discover myself. You become my Saraswati. You reveal the true meaning of darshan. In joy, I dance. I become Nataraja.” Meaning Of Love Shiva continues: “So, there are three kinds of love: love for the body that grants satisfaction, love for the heart that grants security and love for the head that grants wisdom. Animals can give the first and the second, only humans can give the third because they have the third eye hidden within. The first two spring from Kama, god of desire, and sustain life on earth. But the third kind of love springs from Kamantaka, from the destruction of desire, unmotivated by fear of death.” Shakti smiled and she offered Shiva a boon for this wonderful answer. And he said, “As Shyama, the dark goddess, who is Kali and Shakti, you have taught me love. You have danced atop me, forced me to open my eyes, turn from shava (corpse) to Shiva. Grant me the chance to do the same to you.” So the Goddess asked Shiva to descend on earth as the fair Radha whose love and pining would make her appear as the dark-one, Krishna. And it is Radha who taught Krishna the meaning of love as Shakti had once taught Shiva. He was — until he met her — a butter-loving cowherd who fought demons and teased milkmaids, but Radha’s presence changed everything. Just as Kali transformed Shiva into Nataraja, Radha made Krishna take up the flute and make music; The Crucial Difference Just as Kali had made Shiva give up his autonomy and understand the value of the not-so-autonomous other, the pining beloved, Radha helped Krishna understand the limitations of society, the struggle between faith in divinity and fidelity for the husband. Radha was demanding, as Kali once had been. Radha sat on Krishna as Kali stood on Shiva. The two thus mingled and merged in roles and thoughts and feelings. But there was one crucial difference. Kali had made the wandering hermit, Shiva, into a rooted hermit, Shankara. Radha did the opposite. She remained a flower stuck to the branch of a tree while Krishna became the bee that moves on after getting enriched with nectar. And so fulfilled by Radha’s love, Krishna left Madhuban for Mathura. Kali had revealed love through shringara, romance, as only Krishna can. Radha revealed love through vairagya, renunciation, as only Shiva can. *********************************** जब हम चले तो साथ हमारा साया भी न दे जब तुम चलो ज़मीन चले असमान चले जब हम रुके तो रुके शाम-इ-बेकसी जब तुम रुको बहार रुके चांदनी रुके

----23rd June 2011

If a day shall come....

The moment I opened my heart and let you in..
I saw this great love starting to begin..
I opened my eyes to a vision of you..
I hope, I pray your feelings are true..
I have loved and I have paid the cost..
And I have felt the pain of the love I lost..
But, now, I think I have truly found..
An Angel who walks upon the ground..
You go beyond all the limits for me..
Just to show your love endlessly..
I could search my whole life through..
And never find another 'YOU'..
You are so special that I wanted you to know..
I truly, completely loved you so..

--- 24th June


If the woe that I hide shall unravel
And you see this heart bleed, just look away
Like you always did, and pray to be forgiven
Walk along like you are in your world
And If you shall wait to see, close your eyes
Watch me writhe in agony
Ignore me, walk on
Like you were blind
If you stop to ask
Why does this heart bleed, touch yours
Ask yours, what you are to me
You shall know that my soul is second to loving you

-- 27th June

"Solitude has perseverance,
And it catches up quick,
I look, I run but I can only do so much..
‘You’ I, and the ‘I’ you, that left ME behind
Which side is the winning line?
Which side is to lose?
Where will I stand if I have to choose?
Shall I dance to my loss, for the ones I love, have won?
Shall I cry to realize that they wouldn’t care less?
Your dogma, your perception,
Your ramblings and musings,
Your mind, a cage with a dying bird..
My mind a dead cavern, without even that..
And when our worlds collide..
I shall gently bow down and let you pass first..
For all I need to know is you are safe..
And all I care is if you can smile.."

---- 12th Jan

What am I doing here? Existential experimentation, or perverse self-voyeurism?