Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Fare you well...!!!

"If I love you.. What is that to you??? "
True? May be yes, may not be.. Some would say, Its indeed nothing to you and should not be. For if I care that should be my business and mine alone.. You would actually have nothing to do with my emotions than fire or ice.. Yet these two are the most dangerous weapons of nature and if it is a combination of both... well!! can anything be more dramatic than that?

Or should i say wind and sea?? both rouse me to exhilaration and excitation and yet are unconscious of their effect on me.. and you are equally unconscious of the thoughts you awaken in me... Not sure if i like this bitter sweet temptation or if i care for the disturbing thoughts if or when they come... at time, joy and desolation are equally confusing and equally subtle in sweetness... Joy when i meet you.. Desolation when i see you not at all..!! I try to analyse them both cos at heart i am a consultant who thrives on analysis for living.. and no wonder the answer evades me... cos we live in an age where mysteries are many and you get answers for queries which you never asked if you are on a quest...

I would be happy if I am loved by you.. but my joy would know no bounds if I am of service to you... By silence, by restraint, by being careful to let nothing of trivial nature ever bother you, by guarding you from all interruptions, foolish details of  society and idle gossip of of folks who have nothing to do... To feel that all of this can bring even the simplest of joy or peace... To know that my presence delights you and inspires you..
Few can boast as much... You probably are a wonder.. probably from the fairy tales grandmother used to read.. to think of this brings another thought... what if this dream of mine gets shattered? smashed to atoms.. I would not be able to put this back even if i try to pick every bit and piece. A rose here, a leaf there... a lovely little head rolling apart from body.. nothing would be left except to tie those pieces somehow and send them down the memory lane to a place where the memory once existed...

And now, back to work... It s the time I ceased to think of banishment of a vision. A vision so delicate to feel and so distant in reality.. i turn away from you who were a little God of a foolish worship. You tell me you wish you could undo what is done. Well, the mistake is yours to live and yours to regret for. I probably am a weaver of dreams, One of the dreams was this and probably is now broken and I was rudely awakened. But the day will come when i dream this to perfection. And that will be when i talk to you and tell you that this is what was meant to be...!! Till then!! Adios!! and oh! Fare You Well!!!

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