Thursday, March 12, 2009

uff...!! elections.....

Enuciation of Election starts with a President..
Loquacious voices of leaders always dissent...
Enthralling the gulliable folk with promises myriad...
Confetti poster and handbills have become a dread...
towering promises made to lure the users..
in their valiant fiery speeches...
obviously people vote for a wrong person...
naturally it leads to a corrupt administration.........

ELection time is here again... myriads of leaders all "prachar" thru a private helicopter.... God!! wt else are they gonna do?? wt new "incomplete" promises are we to see?? I guess Obama's campaign fever has caught up finally with Indians too... money is changing hands.. rather it would be better to say.. money is flowing... even in times of recession........... well! well! well! all of us responsible indian citizens should give our vote to the right man... but the dilema is.. who is the right man...??? prime candidates for our central govt are BJP and Congress.. Congress has a legacy of more than 50 years... and even today it is wooing voters in the name of Gandhi family.. with Rahul Gandhi leading the forefront... and BJP?? has long betted on Shri AB Vajpayee.. it is projecting Sri LK Advani.. once its leaders like shushma swaraj were on the forefront of the system... but today they have faded into oblivion as far as the national scene is concerned.. BJP gave the concept of India Shining.... and Congress has promised youth and properity for the nation... at the other end of the scale is the personal prejudice of a voter.. we are an emotional lot. some times we do tend to get carried away with personal biases... with our selecion choice more inclined towards one particular choice...
the commercial of "jaagore" which is being floated these days.. depicts a youth asking a politician about work experience and qualifications.. well.. to get every other job in india we need to go thru a series of tests and interviews.. y not for one of the prime responbilities?? seems fair to me...
then there is the issue of choosing a party on the grounds of demographics.. do i chose a party which is doing well in my state., or do i look for the overall performance of a party?? do i chose RJD, AIDMK etc etc on basis of my native place or do i choose a national player..??

there is a section of youth.. me included... who think of the fact that corruption is prevalent in the system from top to bottom... if these are the two available choices... who do i vote...??? both represent the same system which stinks with corruption......

too many issues... no wonder.. we have a voting day percentage of as low as 20% sometimes.. no wonder no one seems to be interested in casting a vote...

well!! may the best party win....

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