Wednesday, March 11, 2009

At last....>!!!!!!

finally i become a blogger..... its true that i have harboured this idea for a while now... and here i am... frankly did never have the time before... with one thing or the other... i have been busy... ultimately putting my life in order..............

holi-- the festival of colors is here once again....... wen i was a kid.... i used to get hit by a handful of blue powder and a balloon!! i used to torment the strangers on road by pouring a variety of colors.... and by excusing myself saying.. "bura na mano holi hai..." no wonder.. i used to get the same treatment........ the bonfires on holi eve were also interesting..... but now with passing days.. some of the charm of the festivities has detoriated.... may be it is the fast moving and changing life.. mayhap it is the decreasing boundaries and increasing concrete jungles..... i sincerely wish that our cultural tid-bits do not disappear by the time our kids reach thr teens... cos at least i for one.. really enjoyed my days..... i dont want my kids to miss all that fun......

on a more happy note... i think i am going to enjoy this summer and am waiting eagerly for it....
most of my frens have started settling in thr jobs.. and those who are completing thr higher studies... will be moving on towards shaping thr careers... frens are an important part of life.. and i do sincerely wish all the very best for each one of thm... i treasure my frens and am sure they know that i CARE!!! best wishes to all my frenz out thr and hope this yr brings some good news our way..!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

pranay said...

hmm i think, blogger thinks very deep. He watches things very carefully and notice small details.. a goood work.. please carry on