Friday, July 8, 2011

The truth is the truth

Came across a statement, the truth is the truth...!!
They say, the truth can set you free. Yet often the truth makes life more difficult. I feel it is very easy to choose the easy path but choosing the correct path takes its own sweet time and effort. In everyday life, we go on the faith that  people are being truthful, yet we know that there are occasions where a white lie sounds better than the hard core truth. its an individual thing. but I still feel that there are some relations where a white lie is not an advisable course of action. In those relationships which are a part of your 1 mm diameter, I think there should exists a complete total crystal transparency. Not sure about the practicality of this but I sure would want to maintain that relationship with a crystal clarity. 
These are the times when I feel that I am way too impractical. For some reason I have never been able to figure out the percentage of practicality which exists in me. There is a trade off between being practical and being emotional. And it becomes difficult to decide sides... 

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