Thursday, July 28, 2011

Life Changes..!!

Someone I know asked me a question the other day.. "Do you like changes?" Seriously, I had never thought of that before. I never really had paid attention. At that moment, I responded that I think I do. But the more I thought of it, the more I was convinced that I dont really like a lot of changes. I set things in life in a certain way and I get attached to them. And then it becomes very difficult to let go of then.. Junk Collector!! hmm.. I do often remember that expression. Ofcourse being the adaptable person I am, I do adjust very easily to the new things but cant really help about attachement to old stuff. No wonder its said Habits Die Hard..!!
And when you get used to something, it just becomes a part and parcel of life. If its not there, you many adjust and accept new things but somewhere depp within still lies a soft corner for it..

PS: Have come to a new place and everything is new here. I dont know what new has happened but touchwood every step which I am taking is falling into the correct direction. Not sure whose effect is this but for some reason I got lucky and everything is falling into its correct place..