Thursday, July 28, 2011

Life Changes..!!

Someone I know asked me a question the other day.. "Do you like changes?" Seriously, I had never thought of that before. I never really had paid attention. At that moment, I responded that I think I do. But the more I thought of it, the more I was convinced that I dont really like a lot of changes. I set things in life in a certain way and I get attached to them. And then it becomes very difficult to let go of then.. Junk Collector!! hmm.. I do often remember that expression. Ofcourse being the adaptable person I am, I do adjust very easily to the new things but cant really help about attachement to old stuff. No wonder its said Habits Die Hard..!!
And when you get used to something, it just becomes a part and parcel of life. If its not there, you many adjust and accept new things but somewhere depp within still lies a soft corner for it..

PS: Have come to a new place and everything is new here. I dont know what new has happened but touchwood every step which I am taking is falling into the correct direction. Not sure whose effect is this but for some reason I got lucky and everything is falling into its correct place..

Friday, July 8, 2011

The truth is the truth

Came across a statement, the truth is the truth...!!
They say, the truth can set you free. Yet often the truth makes life more difficult. I feel it is very easy to choose the easy path but choosing the correct path takes its own sweet time and effort. In everyday life, we go on the faith that  people are being truthful, yet we know that there are occasions where a white lie sounds better than the hard core truth. its an individual thing. but I still feel that there are some relations where a white lie is not an advisable course of action. In those relationships which are a part of your 1 mm diameter, I think there should exists a complete total crystal transparency. Not sure about the practicality of this but I sure would want to maintain that relationship with a crystal clarity. 
These are the times when I feel that I am way too impractical. For some reason I have never been able to figure out the percentage of practicality which exists in me. There is a trade off between being practical and being emotional. And it becomes difficult to decide sides... 

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

twists-- simplified or exaggerated

wht are our reasons to stay alive... 
random moments or twelve to ten
unprovable theories, facts, figures, 
mutinies, shallow world, 
unresponsiveness, ironic humour
spontaneous thoughts and actions....
crazy incoherent thots at times...
agile alert state of mind!!!
what purpose do these serve..?

a person who acts dumb.. 
is he or she realli a moron? 
may be they like some disorders in a fairly arranged life..?

come to think of it... 
we often see people who at first sight seem to ve the very  careless kind..
do they really do not care for things? 
or is it just a case of an attention being placed elsewhere..? 

similar is the case with tastes...
i might love Irish Cofee
at the same time i will come across some 
who would find the taste too bitter for their taste buds!!

PS:  i was going to write something here. i really forgot what was coming to my mind

cos i got distracted by a song being played here at the coffee shop...
a soft melody competent enuf to distract my very alert and very agile mind!! at least i thot it was!! 
and this has to be real crazy!! i am out.. at a coffee shop 
and here i am hooked to this virtual world trying to write this piece at eleven am in the morning... 
most people have better things to do than this!!!
Now that I think of it, I will miss this place. I wasn't prepared for leaving this place this early but life happened. And here I am.. creating some of the last memories at this place...