Saturday, December 11, 2010

something something...!!!!!!!

I paused for a while when while surfing I read about blogfest.

I hesitated.

I have always loved writing but things like becoming a part of blogfest has never crossed my mind.
Never used to think of publishing a blog..
Perhaps that is why I am still way below the line from being known as a blogger.
And I thought it's always very very common to be fairly unpopular as a blogger since my topic of writing is not so much of those HOT STUFF like travel, food, cultural or parenting.

Just the other day I was talking to a friend about commercial blogging and I mentioned never thought of blogging with a business perspective.
Used to think why to publish..? Write for satisfaction of the creative part of my soul.

But then myriad thoughts started crossing my mind. What is the use of beauty without admirers? Why to write if you have no readers.
The personal journal I maintain can always be my source of outlet.

True, blogging today has a life of its own. And possibly this was the reason why I named my blog "My Virtual Space"...!!!!!!

Was a little late for Blogfest. Not sure even if I would have known about it, would have been able to go.

But yes, would have liked to be a part of it..!!!

I should make my work public, at least to a bigger group of potential readers.
After all it is the passion in writing that has helped me through the times where I felt lost and realized lessons.

1 comment:

Saikat said...

Go ahead. Making the blog public will never intrude into your virtual space.