Sunday, November 21, 2010

down the memory lane...!!!!

I have listened to the whole audio on clearing clutter, but realised that I will need to go back to some parts to further release the blocks to clearing out clutter. Interesting how much emphasis is put on the emotional reasons for clutter. Makes sense too. There are only a limited number of things that one can do to deal with an item: file it away, attend to it, throw it away. But if we have emotional baggage around it, then it will seem like a big deal and we won't get to it. emotional baggague huh..!! attributes to a lot of things. results in many of our actions... homo sapiens is a species driven by desires and emotions play a huge role in driving instincts.

After thinking about emotional baggage and all this stuff I found myself clearing home. Probably was trying to find an outlet to vent out my energy. and admittedly was trying to figure out items which i do not require and was thinking of disposing them. but no..!! found myself going down the memory lane.. was able to relate to most of the things which i do not require but from which i was still not ready to part. An old card from my best friend, a page of a journal i used to write wen i was a kid, the wrapper of a chocolate a special friend gifted, a postcard of taj mahal which i my friend gifted wen i was leaving school.. multiple things..!! memories are associated with all of them and I realised, in my busy life, those small things act as lifelines and help me remember that I am human..!!

PS: whenever I think of the word stuff... I remember a dialogue from the movie The Devil Wears Prada. A dialogue which the character Miranda Priestly delivers with pure passion and precision. Since I have seen the movie can never think of  the word stuff without thinking of the movie and vice versa...


Saikat said...

I don't understand the P.S but don't tell me to watch that movie.

Unknown said...

kk... watch the clipping on utube.... :)I bet it wud be available there... :P

Saikat said...

send me the link.