Thursday, December 3, 2009

Abstract Something....

Working hardly or hardly working..?? That is the question. A twist of words can give an entirely new meaning. Sometimes we actually are very busy and at others we act to be busy. But then would I be happy sitting idle?? I think not. How can one be content to remain silly and good for nothing...?? Now that I am back to corporate, I remind myself that this is quarter and year end. So need to be working hard to complete my targets :)

And keep myself busy in these targets. Trying to gather bits and pieces of lyf and carving a niche for myself. Lets c wt lyf has in store for me this time.

And amidst all these, I am pursuing my one fav passtime - reading. I read something or other even wen i am traveling by bus and going to office. Its a Robert Ludlum these days. Would be something else tomorrow. When I was a kid I used to get scolded for reading books other than course material. And I enjoyed reading anything and everything excluding course books. Now I am content that I can to read to my satisfaction and nobody would scold me.

After all I am on my way to accomplish all my dreams.
Dont know I should be proud of my achievements or should worry abt how my lyf has turned out to be. Have an engineering and a MBA degree to my name. I am a proud owner of a file of certificates.. Sounds good if I see it that way. To add icing to cake, I am working. Will be getting married soon. What more could I want from lyf? Still there is a void wch needs to be filled. Seems thr is a lot of work to do. Covet the FRM title. Need to get started on that.

Waiting to c where i go with these ideas and inspirations....

1 comment:

Saikat said...

It was abstract something OR something abstract ?