Saturday, September 19, 2009

who will flex the cat?

wen i saw my offer letter there were so many components, some i need and some i dont think i would easily avail. for instance what is the meaning of having a component allocated to loan installments if you dont take a loan. after all its not everyday you agree to take a loan. being a finance graduate i wud try look into other methods of availing credit if and when needed before leaping forward to taking a loan especially in these turbulent times. and if i dont want a health insurance and would have liked that particular amount in buying a new laptop or a pair of expensive sunglasses?? i kept wondering if it is always like this. a search on my fav search engine showed me that my counterparts in developed countries have other arrangements. the companies there have a wide menu that they may include for reimbursement for an expensive gadget or road toll paid for daily commutation. whoa!! much better than a host of reimbursements which i dont need.. rite?? it wud be better if i get to chose a menu of fringe benefits every year rather than availing those which i dont need or care for. this "flex or flexible benefits" system is all set to enter Indian corporate lexicon. however indian companies are approaching this with some trepidation. it has become a question of who is going to accept it first. but there is no doubt that once this is implemented, it will be a win-win situation for both companies as well as employees..

1 comment:

Saikat said...

salary components have always been a subject of discussion for new joiners...lets hope things shape up for the better before implementation of the 'Direct Tax Code' :-)