Sunday, September 6, 2009

not titled....

Wen i got my hard disk, i transferred almost all my files from my CD/DVDs, computer and laptop there. having a 320 gb harddisk provides ample space. but searching for a minuscle file there was a nightmare. While I was looking through the old files, I came across all sorts of stuff like photos and chat transcripts from my yester years... The kind of things that bring back a rush of memories, mostly with friends (and crushes!) who I hardly see anymore.... Makes me wonder how much we have shifted from storing memories in the form of sentimental letters and photographs kept in old shoe boxes under the bed, to having them stored in a digitized format....

Sure, we still like to keep "real" items for the look and feel, but that doesn't mean that we don't laugh and cringe just as much when we look at the digital files. things hav changed specially over past ten years and we hav become much more tech-savvy... and it all depends upon ur usage pattern.. same thing when used in a particular way may be either informative or a time killer for you.. for instance.. the social networking sites.. u can use them for idle pitter patter or u can find wealth of infotainement in those community forums..

it has changed the way we communicate, we think and the way we visit the memory lane... Perhaps in the future, when our grandchildren learn about us, instead of discovering a stack of vintage letters and diaries, they'll discover a folder of saved emails and blog entries...


Saikat said...

Paradigm revolution and our ever hungry minds.

Unknown said...

u knw wt the term "paradigm shift" reminds me of?? CK Prahlad and bottom of pyramid.. lol..

Saikat said...

this is why good old men say not to read a lot of novels. ;-)

Unknown said...

is that so?? i thot reading books n novels is 4 ur gud....

Saikat said...

ya..that used to be earlier...see...this is called 'generation gap'