Friday, September 25, 2009

panipuri ke liye kuch bhi karega...

i had this experience today wch made me realise hw we tone up or down our actions for our choice and preferences. while returning i saw this fuchka wala and i wanted to eat typical bihari fuchka.. one with potatoes and imli.. normally in maharashtra u only get the kind wch is bittersweet and contains a mix of chat. and this stall had my kind of panipuri.. wow..!! i was so happy!!

the glitch was that this cute panipuri had green chilli mixed in it and this is normally a complete no no for me. to the point that my mom used to say, "u hav a sensor or wot? to test if i hav added chillis in food or not.. " even to this day, wen i am cooking, i prefer to prepare food sans chillis..

but i was so tempted that it did not matter.. and i had my fill of panipuris.. and i cud nt resist the temptation of tasting panipuris....

but then on the up side i stuck a deal with the fuchkawala to prepare puris without chilli for me from next time onwards... now that is called making most of the situation.. :)

Saturday, September 19, 2009

who will flex the cat?

wen i saw my offer letter there were so many components, some i need and some i dont think i would easily avail. for instance what is the meaning of having a component allocated to loan installments if you dont take a loan. after all its not everyday you agree to take a loan. being a finance graduate i wud try look into other methods of availing credit if and when needed before leaping forward to taking a loan especially in these turbulent times. and if i dont want a health insurance and would have liked that particular amount in buying a new laptop or a pair of expensive sunglasses?? i kept wondering if it is always like this. a search on my fav search engine showed me that my counterparts in developed countries have other arrangements. the companies there have a wide menu that they may include for reimbursement for an expensive gadget or road toll paid for daily commutation. whoa!! much better than a host of reimbursements which i dont need.. rite?? it wud be better if i get to chose a menu of fringe benefits every year rather than availing those which i dont need or care for. this "flex or flexible benefits" system is all set to enter Indian corporate lexicon. however indian companies are approaching this with some trepidation. it has become a question of who is going to accept it first. but there is no doubt that once this is implemented, it will be a win-win situation for both companies as well as employees..

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


sweethearts and squabbles are like flowers and rain
takes both to make it springtime..
misunderstanding abt calenders is common
mine has four seasons
his only has today, tommorrow and next week
my! oh my! is it everytime going to be like this?
or will it work out just fine in time
will 'just fine' be enough for me?
what if i want to be perfect?
y does one hav to be stubborn as a missourie mule
and can tears forever flow???

Sunday, September 6, 2009

not titled....

Wen i got my hard disk, i transferred almost all my files from my CD/DVDs, computer and laptop there. having a 320 gb harddisk provides ample space. but searching for a minuscle file there was a nightmare. While I was looking through the old files, I came across all sorts of stuff like photos and chat transcripts from my yester years... The kind of things that bring back a rush of memories, mostly with friends (and crushes!) who I hardly see anymore.... Makes me wonder how much we have shifted from storing memories in the form of sentimental letters and photographs kept in old shoe boxes under the bed, to having them stored in a digitized format....

Sure, we still like to keep "real" items for the look and feel, but that doesn't mean that we don't laugh and cringe just as much when we look at the digital files. things hav changed specially over past ten years and we hav become much more tech-savvy... and it all depends upon ur usage pattern.. same thing when used in a particular way may be either informative or a time killer for you.. for instance.. the social networking sites.. u can use them for idle pitter patter or u can find wealth of infotainement in those community forums..

it has changed the way we communicate, we think and the way we visit the memory lane... Perhaps in the future, when our grandchildren learn about us, instead of discovering a stack of vintage letters and diaries, they'll discover a folder of saved emails and blog entries...

a tale.......

Lovers and madmen have such seething brains,
Such shaping fantasies, that apprehend
More than cool reason ever comprehends....

i tell a tale of a person here...
mingled yarn is his web of life
good and ill together...

infant in law,
and urchin in years,
In mind a slave to every vicious joy,
From every sense of shame and virtue wean'd,
adept in lies and fiend in deceit;
Versed in hypocrisy, while yet a child,
Fickle as wind, of intentions wild;
Woman his dupe, his ignorant friends a tool,
Old in the world, though scarcely broke from school...

He, who grown aged in this world of woe,
In deeds, not years, piercing the depths of life,
So that no wonder waits him;
nor below can love, or sorrow, fame, ambition, strife,
Cut to his heart again with the keen knife of silent, sharp endurance:
he can tell--
Why thought seeks refuge in lone caves,
yet rife With airy images, and shapes which dwell

His love was passion's essence—as a tree
On fire by lightning; with ethereal flame
Kindled he was, and blasted; for to be
Thus, and enamored, were in him the same
For he through Sin's long labyrinth had run,
Nor made atonement when he did amiss,
Had sigh'd to many though he lov'd but one,
And that lov'd one, alas! could never be his.

Nor was all love shut from hint, though his days
of passion had consumed themselves to dust
In flight he shall be surely wise,
escaping from temptation's snare
he cannot view my Paradise
Without the wish of dwelling there.

though pleasure fires the maddening souls
the heart--
the heart is lonely still...

yet there are things whose strong reality
outshines our fairy land;
in shape and hues
more beautiful than our fantastic sky.
A thousand hearts beat happily;

and when
Music arose with its voluptuous swell,
Soft eyes look 'd love to eyes which spake again,
And all went merry as a marriage bell.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

a dream that was......

I dreamt that I dwelt in marble halls,
With leisures and luxaries at my side,
And of all who assembled within those walls,
That I was the hope and the pride,
I had riches too great to count,
could boast of qualities great;

But I also dreamt,
which pleas’d me most,
That you lov’d me still the same,
Your soul is my only treasure,
my greatest joy;

The world is now at your fingertips,
give me the world and i will stay..........