Friday, August 21, 2009

long wait..........

i visit my thoughts
i stand as an outsider
and try to figure out
who am i?
whr hav i been??
wt kind of person hav i become??

once bitten twice shy
am wary of new changes in life
am tired of waiting for the unknown..
i try to listen to the faded sounds
lost in the mazes of time
waiting for silent footsteps
some beats of heart
some sounds worth
i wait with jaded thoughts
for the change in pattern of thoughts

life has been a roller coster ride
and now i wait for that shimmer of hope
for a knight in shining armour
seems like just yesterday
when i dreamt of chocolates and angels
in my own fairyland

and now my dreams are more vivid
my imagination more indulgent
my thoughts more elegant
and i keep waiting
forever and ever
day and night
morning and noon
i give back life to my own thoughts
for music coming from the core of my heart
waiting for the tempest....


Saikat said...

change is the only permanent thing, my friend.

Saikat said...

who said its the only thing...there are many that are permanent.
see...change. :-)

Unknown said...

yup... still don't like some things to change.. makes me think whr is that safe haven whr things wud be according to me...

Saikat said...

its here dear...this is your safe heaven.