Thursday, November 27, 2014

Sorrow's Song

i believe at the end of my life
the credits will read tragedy
that with the last heartbeat
that last blink of eye
you will cross my mind
and i will go back to that day
when that flower bloomed
in the dead of winter
and a shimmer of hope arrived
that all you wanted was me
and my last breath will be taken away
at a realization
that all i ever wanted was you...
there is no better way to say but
I messed around and just fell in love

Sunday, November 23, 2014

This one is for you...!!

It’s time to celebrate, all our disagreements
It’s time to raise a toast, to all our arguments
It’s time to recollect, all our fights and talks
It’s time to remember, Our angry Stares and gawks
For it is all this that has Made us come Closer
Sealing us in a way that, we’ll always be together
Wishing you all the success in the world
And eternity of togetherness.....
Today and forever!!!!

Thursday, November 13, 2014


ज़िन्दगी बन गए हो तुम
तुम्हारे बिना
जीना तो क्या ही
मरने कि भी सोच सकती नहीं
आदत कह लू तुम्हे
या कोई जरूरत
बिन तुम्हारे मैं रहने की
 खता भी कर सकती नहीं

Kuch yeha ki kuch waha ki

बादलों से आगे और क्षितिज से दूर
कहीं चुप  चाप सी दिखती है मंजिल
सामने है समंदर और कश्ती है दूर
लहरों कि गुज़ारिश है संग खेलना है जरुर
समय है कम और है थोडा सा डर

क्यों हो तुम ख्यालों में ये पूछना है खुद से
क्यों सोच में हो बसे ये जानना है


Sometimes it happens
and you just cannot see..
you cause a mistrust
and treat unfairly...

and then its just shock you feel
and utter disbelief...
and then you realize
that it was something fragile
and u just had to let it go...

sometimes its just about accepting things
the way they are
but that is what happens

Days pass into nights
and following dawn gets spent
u either make no calls
or make just one too many

you forget..
its not how it was..
its not what you expected...

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Chit Chat...

You can get amazed at the variety of people whom you get to interact with.
Especially if you are one of those observant kinds and enjoy reading between the lines.
Mere the nature of human psyche is enough to keep you occupied and engaged.
And you need an open mind. You do not need to judge people on any and everything.

What may be right according to you may be totally unacceptable to someone else who thinks otherwise.
And who are you to judge someone else's thought process.

What is important is a match in the frequency and a respect for each other's ideologies. It is good to be sure of yourself but it is also important to respect other's ideologies where you have a difference of opinion. 

Monday, March 3, 2014

The lost town.. the lost days…

Dark is this town these days
Where I once had my abode
There is a lot of water
Under the bridge where there used to be
A thriving town with myriad secrets
Myths collided with reality
And created a rainbow of dreams
We had kitchen and an Irish table
A room which was meant for siestas
A coffeehouse where connoisseurs’
Of tea and of coffee used to frequent
And used to have debates
On things which are of no import
But which do provide all the fun
Mindless chatter, thousands of topics
And a set of clueless audience
And who favors their own favorites
Across day to day differences
Where people used to find harmony
But the words have become shadows
The thin line between the dream and the myth
No longer resides these days
And perhaps you will now walk away
Without me knowing where or how to follow

Sunday, February 23, 2014


बादलों ने फिर से की है वो ही साज़िश
जहाँ घर है मेरा की है वही बारिश
फलक कि ज़िद है बिजलिया गिराने की
मेरी भी ज़िद है वही आशियाँ बनाने की