Sunday, May 22, 2011

purists vs the not so purists......

Hare Krishna Hare Rama is coming up on TV right now.

As I flicked on to this channel saw the song Dum Maro Dum coming up.
Instant reaction was to compare the remix with the original.
Purists, when hear the remix, are bound to get shocked by the outcome. Which is in a way justified.
Was talking to some acquaintance yesterday and the train of thought went as "My Roommate is interested in classical. He is one of those prude people who will get upset if changes are made like this........ "

Yea, totally understand what remixing of such an iconic song can do to the purist thought process.
While the original has a tipsy hippy look about it, the remix is not much different from the cosmopolitan culture which is being exhibited in some specific metros/ social strata in India these days.

Jeenat Aman displays a charm in the grab attire which is very different from what Deepika depicts in her very ultra mod cosmo look..
A slow tempo vs a fast beat makes the two versions very different from core...

Still... its very difficult to remember something like Sheila or Deepika for a long time whereas the originals still stand on their own and are copied even today...

I was literally shocked to see the English version of Chak De.. Even that was copied.. Whenever I see the Mini cruise scene of Dhoom 2 where Abhi and Uday have a face off with petty criminals, I get reminded of the original Italian Job scene.. Kismat Konnections is again a copy. There are myriad examples... And the instant reaction is, can't these people create some original stuff of their own.. instead of taking these so called inspirations...!!

Hollywood is of a different genre. And so is Bollywood.. Action cannot be displayed in Bolly Movies as well as the Holly movies..  and melodrama in any form cant be as good in Holly movies as the Bolly ones. So why not concentrate on what you are good at instead of copying stuff from here and there?? That is a million dollar ever unanswered question...!!!

1 comment:

Saikat said...

I always believe remixes ruin the original art, coz good or bad, whatever the original was, it was original. And the original HareRamaHareKrishna just cannot be remade in a better way.