Monday, March 14, 2011

Food for thought......

If you are like me, you will have heard the word "World Cup" being thrown about past few weeks.

If you’re like that guy on TV who gets worked up and shouts a lot, you probably know everything there is to know on this subject, and have extremely strong views on it. The way cricket is worshiped in India, chances are, most of you are somewhere in-between; you know most of what is happening and you follow cricket religiously if India is playing. 

We dropped the ball (a sports analogy seemed fitting). I am amazed we have been winning the games so far..  Consider the match against England.. The result of the match was perfect justice. Neither team was eligible for a win. The way the  bowlers were dropping catches was outrageous. For that matter, even Bangladesh team was in a position that it could make our team sweat for success. And one would not like to talk about the last over of India South Africa match where Nehra gave a 4-6-2-4 and paved way for success of SA. last over, crucial 13 runs required in 6 balls and nehra placed everything on a platter. And if one reprimands me to talk so critically and says things like this happen, well, i would say that it was a part of nehra's Job to ensure this does not happen.

Its kind of same all over. Take common wealth. What happened..?? 
We made a bid to host the games way back in 2003, and have been diligently doing as little as possible to deliver the goods. The story is one familiar to all of us: bureaucratic hassles, disinterested government officials, sub-par results, and lots of blame being thrown around. I say this story is familiar because it crops up all the time, not just during the preparations for an international sporting event being held in India for the first time. From healthcare and education to basic infrastructure and governance, the fact which we must all accept is that our government doesn’t give much of a damn about us.

If you cast your mind back over the years, you’ll notice something interesting: the major leaps of progress we’ve made have been in spite of the government, not because of them. For example, if you want to set up a company that links the entire nation using cellular phones, do you think things would go smoothly? Or would you have to bribe officials at every level of the government in each and every state? Why do you think massive roads like the one linking Bombay and Pune, or even the famous Sealink took forever to build? Because they were built by private companies, who had to deal with miles and miles of red tape and interference.

To cut a long story short, we’re on our own. You’re interested in higher studies? Travel abroad, go to college in the US, the UK, or Australia (My views on the Indian education system are bleak to say the least… but more on that another time). You play sports? It better be cricket, my friend, because if it isn’t… well, there’s really no kind of infrastructure to nurture talent in this country. Just take a look at the fine way we treat our national hockey team, football team, or even our Olympic winners. No, we are most certainly on our own. If we want anything, we’re going to have to make it for ourselves, and fight insurmountable odds to do so. How many of us know Prakash Padukone for instance? Or do we have an answer to the fact that people know the boxer Vijendra Singh only because he appeared on a reality TV show? 

I’ve spoken a lot about our responsibility as citizens of this country, but I’ve never really touched on the responsibility of those who govern us. And as I think about it, I realise why that is — I gave up on them ages ago. I don’t think it’s a cynical point of view. I think it’s a realistic one. I honestly expect nothing different. I expect apathy, corruption, ineptitude and an almost willful attempt to hold our nation back. And they have never disappointed me yet.

Thursday, March 10, 2011


This morning I awoke before the sun....
Sitting alone in the still morning air,
I watched the first dances of light 
appear in the dawn sky 
through the eyes of a five year old kid
I held close to my heart......
 His wonder 
and excitement of nature’s simple treasures 
brought me back to the time 
before innocence was lost. 
I have been away so long.........