Wednesday, March 31, 2010


There is a wanderer inside all of us, searching for that elusive something. We give it names like love, money, fame, lust, dreams, goals..but try as you may, it is difficult to express that one word. Even the most focussed and determined soul will find it difficult to do so. The problem is most of us, including yours truly do not know what we really want and a bulk of our lives go in searching for that elusive Godot. Those who do not participate in this search, content themselves by just existing,but some of us manage to live a bit of our lives this way. Sometimes even before we know it, time whizzes past like water draining through our fingers, leaving us limp and lost.

Many years ago, when I first set foot in Pune , I thought I got what I wanted. I also presumed that I knew what I wanted. A successful career, a sense of independence and an escape from cloistered life is all that I looked for then. Armed with a happy go lucky attitude, an inquisitive mind for a new challenge, a desire to seek a new experience , I landed in Pune, nervous and excited at the same time.
And around me was a collage of several minds all looking towards a new unchartered destiny. But one thing that separated me from my classmates was that I didnt share their fierce competitiveness . Their cut throatness shook me, their overpowering confidence unnerved me as I waited for my chance for a group discussion. I was confident in my own way and unlike my aggressive classmates, I let my assertiveness speak for myself. I wasnt the dark horse, but many told me later that I was like a chameleon, which could change colours..may be that instinct stood by me in later years.

Today I shut my eyes and the group discussions and lectures in the wide classroom came to my mind. We were a medley of people from different states and were as parochial as we could get. Yet no one could fit into the description called demure. We have come a long way since then. All are settled in lives of their own.

But it was also the first time that a naive girl learnt and experienced a new word in the English language - a word that most of today's 21 year olds wear on their sleeve, a word that I grasped while standing in the verandah of my yet to be classroom , a word that I will hear again and again throughout my career and a word that changed connotations many times - ATTITUDE. If Bihar shaped it vaguely , Pune fine tuned it for me .And in my quest , this attitude gave me company, letting me live my life, while changing gears, while taking major decisions, while hitting my lowest lows, and while reaching the high points..This has been one constant companion, no matter which shore Ive landed in . But today, I seem to have left it somewhere by the wayside and my quest has now multiplied two fold..oh !

1 comment:

Saikat said...

Beware! Attitude is often misunderstood and mistaken by various other similar but very different human emotions.