Sunday, December 13, 2009

An age old tussle

She is back to square one. Same age old question.. what does a girl who is going to get married think? How many myriad thoughts cross her mind? She is terrified like hell. She sees her friends who are already married and things scare the hell out of her. She thinks how she is going to manage everything. How would she adjust in someone else’s system?? How she would let some one else become whole and sole of her life. She knows she is a person for whom there would be no turning back. This would be final. The ultimate commitment. She would almost worship the person she marries. And giving that power to someone scares her. Would he care for her the way she would for him??

And amidst all, she is waiting for a leaf to turn. She is waiting for the new chapter of her life. She might have made many mistakes. But just this once she wants it to be perfect. doesen't matter if every thing else becomes ruined. Just this should be picture perfect. She dreams and then she fears how different would be her dreams from hard core reality? She tries to paint a rosy picture and she wonders if it would be like this or would it be something she would not be able to live with? And then she says, whoa! nothing ever is picture perfect and she is expecting way to much. But then is it really too much to ask for a happy married life?
And here comes anticipation. Time would tell..

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Abstract Something....

Working hardly or hardly working..?? That is the question. A twist of words can give an entirely new meaning. Sometimes we actually are very busy and at others we act to be busy. But then would I be happy sitting idle?? I think not. How can one be content to remain silly and good for nothing...?? Now that I am back to corporate, I remind myself that this is quarter and year end. So need to be working hard to complete my targets :)

And keep myself busy in these targets. Trying to gather bits and pieces of lyf and carving a niche for myself. Lets c wt lyf has in store for me this time.

And amidst all these, I am pursuing my one fav passtime - reading. I read something or other even wen i am traveling by bus and going to office. Its a Robert Ludlum these days. Would be something else tomorrow. When I was a kid I used to get scolded for reading books other than course material. And I enjoyed reading anything and everything excluding course books. Now I am content that I can to read to my satisfaction and nobody would scold me.

After all I am on my way to accomplish all my dreams.
Dont know I should be proud of my achievements or should worry abt how my lyf has turned out to be. Have an engineering and a MBA degree to my name. I am a proud owner of a file of certificates.. Sounds good if I see it that way. To add icing to cake, I am working. Will be getting married soon. What more could I want from lyf? Still there is a void wch needs to be filled. Seems thr is a lot of work to do. Covet the FRM title. Need to get started on that.

Waiting to c where i go with these ideas and inspirations....