Thursday, March 21, 2013

She who walks in the city....

Worried, there she is just on her death bed
All sorts of thoughts wandering
All kinds of memories flashing back
There was this guy who was courteous
There was this place which was safe
Where angels used to dwell
Far from atrocities of the present
Where people used to command a respect
She thinks what did went wrong
What could she have possibly done?
To make the world a better place
Who knows? It may be eternity
Before things are set right
Before there are good opportunities
And all that jazz
She is still hopeful
Wishes things would be back to normal
The extent of crime would reduce
And there would be few who wallow in sorrow
How does one tell her?
The city needs to decide
The path they want to take
Before it is a little too late

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Here we are.......

Ok, I will give that. I am wary of the phrase “The Next Big Thing”. What does this mean? What is the extent of the impact which the so called “Next big thing” will have? Think about human nature. Most of the Homo Sapiens do not like change. But often believe that ‘the change is the only constant in eternity’. Some are good at adapting to each change and the remaining keep rolling in misery, adjusting to ‘The Next Big Thing’. At what point of time it originates? When it grows? I worry that if I think about it too much I will lose it. I worry about jinxes.

That being said, I am not very risk averse. I like taking risks almost more than an average Tom or Jane. While many such ideas click and benefit, there may be some which may not prove to be very successful. But then that is the idea right? You would not be happy if all are pros. You need cons in order to realize the value of pros. But the sheer vivacity and authority of imagination is what makes life interesting.
There are times when I keep coming back down the memory lane. Each time I get amazed at the mere volume of life changers. One decision here and there and your life is changed. For better or for worse. And the impact, even if it seems miniscule, might not be that small.

And now, here I am, yet again basking in the memoryland, going through flashbacks, remembering stuff. I do need to concentrate on a call scheduled in about two hours from now and I need to finalize a few nitty-gritty details but what the heck! When does a writer’s whim wait for time or tide? There are times when the manuscript remains buried and then you start l0oking forward to those when you will straight off take a pen and get writing. Bringing equilibrium to your life, telling and intriguing tale or may be just rejuvenating in success or wallowing in sorrow.