Saturday, September 3, 2011

food for thought...

There are times in life when you just want to throw the rulebook and do something out of bounds out of imagination and be done with it... It happens mostly in accordance with your risk appetite. The more of a risk taker you are, the more are the rules which you tend to break. 
Something got me thinking about all this. There was a time when I was a minimal risk taker. I used to abide by the rulebook back then. At least if nothing else, my degree in finance changed this. I like experimenting and I totally believe in the "out of box" concept.
A change of circumstances creates new rules, but I have to confess that I was never someone to bow down low to the conventions. To some degree this prim and proper has always gone ahead and tried delving into new experiments.
Some are successful and others fail hopelessly. But just the brutal honesty of the experiments is something which keeps the flame live and thriving. And of course there is that element of hope. You are nothing without that element of hope. That even if its all gloomy today, its gonna get better. Are you?