Sunday, August 7, 2011

some nothings.....

You get amazed when you actually observe human psyche.
My maid does not know hindi and I do not know Telgu.
Yet we are able to communicate very easily.
Ultimately she understands what I say and I get what she is saying...
Forms of communication!! People generally have a misconception on what is communciation. They tend to think that if you are able to speak a language well you are good in communication as far as that language is concerned. But its not all about just speaking. You hav to talk. And you have to listen.
Is there anything in this world which does not communicate at least on some basic level? Leave alone Homo Sapiens... Music, Literature, Buildings, Monuments, Scenic places, technology, animals.. not even a single example which does not speak.

Its been said correctly "Everything is a volume. You just need to know how to read it.."

Some would say why am I talking about communication. Its just that interacting with my maid today got me thinking on some different lines. I was thinking of myriad things. Music talking to people.. people talking to people. And that is a totally different language!!!