Sunday, February 27, 2011

Cricket Mania

Cricket always reminds me of three things
a. India Pakistan matches
b. Daniel Vettori
c. Harsha Bogle

India Pakistan matches have always held a special place in hearts of Indians. The kind of excitement and fervor it  brings is noticeable.... still remember the India Pakistan World cup. i think it was 2003. whoa... was @ RIT hostel. and what zeal and enthu..!! the people present there were so excited. if half of them would have put half of the energy which was vibrating to studies, world would have been different for them today....
u ask a cricket fan to name a commentator, there is a 9:1 probability that the answer would be Harsha Bogle. the way he provides commentaries is worth listening to.

Daniel Vettori has always been a favorite. other than India, there are a few teams whom i follow closely... NZ is one of them. these people have played good sports... Don Bradman, i think, is one of the most talked about cricketer. Somehow am not that great a Don Bradman fan though. Have preferred watching the game of Vettori, McGrath, Gale and Gilchrist... Be it 300 wickets and 3000 runs of Vettori or Mcgrath's Highest number of test wickets by a fast bowler... their game has been outstanding and matches have been milestones.
watching the India England World cup today brought back many memories... Oh and what a match this was.... 338 runs in first innings by India and still a tie. A point came when each over was as exciting as the previous one. was a close match. and enjoyed it throughly... I keep saying myself i should give more time to persona self than i do these days... these days work occupies most of my time.. which I think is something i understand pretty well. Do not have many other things where I can give my attention these days.. Its just me, work, music, and a couple of frens... Used to watch so much of cricket when I was not this occupied...

So far so good... Lets see what future has in store for me......

Monday, February 14, 2011

Dedicated thoughts...........

By miles you are far from me
By thoughts you are close to me
Imaginations were running wild....
And seems dreams are coming true...

The day ends now and I wonder where I am
Did not imagine the things will go the way they did
Unanticipated things happen
and leave me amazed at the miracles

Here I am now at this time
Soaking and living every moment
with a conscious gratitude
giving way to new ideas of "seasons"
making way for new thoughts
which of nowhere are coming to my mind....!!!!