Sunday, April 25, 2010

answer moment

we keep searching for answers
which cannot be given now..
we should not...
because we are not yet able to live them..

live the questions now
perhaps some day in the future

we will gradually
without even noticing it

live our way into the answer..

funny.. the way our super inquisitive minds work..
we may not be able to see into the future..
but we keep trying to do that
and meanwhile keep messing with the present,..

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

life is wierd...!!!!

Life is a parody,
at least most of the times.
We get what we never care for,
and not what we expect..
Love the picture perfect..
when we know its impossible
and we miss the real amidst it all..
We see only what we want to..
and ignore what we already have
and then out of blues,
one one eventful night,
we regret doing it all..
and then we say..
life is one complex entity...
where we wait all eternity...
for those special moments
which are rare as treasure...